Hello, World!
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve had the urge to create. To build or craft something that I can throw out there. A little piece of me floating in the void of existence. That passion needed an outlet, and like every other Gen Z and millenial before me with a creative streak, I thought social media would be it. There was just one problem.
Video content doesn’t feel natural to me.
It takes a certain kind of personality to make video content work. Online success follows those who possess charisma and charm in droves. And while I like to think I’m a moderately charming person, I still haven’t developed a personality switch to flip on demand. Not to mention, I don’t think what I aim to do with this blog requires the appeal of a Greek god.
So what am I doing with this blog anyway?
My main aim for this blog is two fold.
- Document some of the projects I’m working on.
- Discuss issues on a wide range of topics, from software and music to religion and philosophy.
So in a sense, it’s more for myself than anything. Maybe one day years from now, I’ll look back and see how much I’ve grown. For now, I’ll have this litte blog.